Whether your run a small B&B or operate a thousand unit high-rise hotel, we understand the guest experience drives your need for fast, reliable, secure technology. We support every type of hospitality environment from boutique inns to a hotel system with eighty-five locations and over 2800 staff members scattered across the globe.
Your guests deserve the best, and all it takes is spotty Wifi or a slow network connection to knock a TripAdvisor review from five to four stars or less. The impact of one cyber-hacking incident could place your entire brand at risk. IT is so integral to your business, you need professional support.
Keep your staff as happy as your guests:
- Protect your network with strong perimeter defenses
- Repel viruses, malware, phishing attacks and encrypt sensitive email and client data
- Review your PCI DSS compliance requirements and be prepared for audit
- Integrate all of your on-site and back-office systems
Enjoy the 24/7/365 support, because like hospitality, we never close.